The app for your museum

The app for your museum

Build on what your museum has to offer on a cultural level and encourage visitor loyalty with a personal app for your institution. There are lots of museum apps on the market, but often they do not make use of the possibilities of this new medium and end up being hardly any different from the former portable audioguides. These days, however, content can be staged in a completely new way and can rouse curiosity in fun fashion. An attractive app can act as preparation for or follow up to a visit to a museum as well as being used in the museum itself. The museum tour may be personalised according to length (short or long tour) and type (individual or guided visit). In order to get better acquainted with our services and conditions in this field, simply click on ‘Services’, where our individual business models are presented:

  • Repayment via the entry price
  • Rental and leasing
  • all-in-one solution


Apps for adults

  • Interactive audio/video guide
  • Professional speaker
  • In several languages
  • Music and atmospheric sounds
  • Intuitive menu, suitable for all ages
  • NFC (Near Field Communication) for easy orientation in museums
  • Choose between individual visit or guided tour

Apps for children and young people

  • Developed to provide information on the museum
  • Free round trip to explore the proposed themes
  • Attractive and briefly-depicted themes
  • Interactive pictures
  • NFC (Near Field Communication) technology for educational museum games
  • Have fun learning, discovering and reading.